Mass spectrometry data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD009301 NGS datasets are available at the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under accession number PRJEB25673. NGS and MS data were handled and annotated using the B-Fabric Türker et al. (2010) information management system and are available for registered users under the project identifiers 1644 and 1875. The following content is descibed in more detail in Egloff et al. (2018) (under review NMETH-A35040).
)The package contains only a subset of the most important data generated over a period of five years. To get an impression an overview of all annotated sample (S) and workunits (W) in the B-Fabric system, Türker et al. (2010), is graphed in the timeline plots.
the NGS data p1644
the mass spec data p1875
Sample NGS data contains 100K merged MiSeq reads that demonstrate the linkage between nanobodies (NB) and flycodes (FC) in FASTQ.
NL42_100K <- NestLink:::.getReadsFromFastq("inst/extdata/NL42_100K.fastq.gz")
save(NL42_100K, file="inst/extdata/NestLink_NL42_100K.RData")
An optional part of the NestLink workflow is the usage of known nanobodies in the sequencing experiment to estimate sensitity and specificity levels. This example file contains nucleotide sequences of nanobodies that should be detectable in this experiment. In the later workflow, these nanabodies are highlighted and labeled as known NB.
NGS ground truth derived by applying the function runNGSAnalysis
to the two previous files.
expFile <- query(eh, c("NestLink", "NL42_100K.fastq.gz"))[[1]]
scratchFolder <- tempdir()
knownNB_File <- query(eh, c("NestLink", "knownNB.txt"))[[1]]
knownNB_data <- read.table(knownNB_File,
header = TRUE,
row.names = 1,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
knownNB <- Biostrings::translate(DNAStringSet(knownNB_data$Sequence))
names(knownNB) <- rownames(knownNB_data)
knownNB <- sapply(knownNB, toString)
param <- list()
param[['NB_Linker1']] <- "GGCCggcggGGCC"
param[['NB_Linker2']] <- "GCAGGAGGA"
param[['ProteaseSite']] <- "TTAGTCCCAAGA"
param[['FC_Linker']] <- "GGCCaaggaggcCGG"
param[['knownNB']] <- knownNB
param[['nReads']] <- 100
param[['minRelBestHitFreq']] <- 0.8
param[['minConsensusScore']] <- 0.9
param[['maxMismatch']] <- 1
param[['minNanobodyLength']] <- 348
param[['minFlycodeLength']] <- 33
param[['FCminFreq']] <- 1
nanobodyFlycodeLinkage.RData <- runNGSAnalysis(file = expFile[1], param)
and FC.tryptic
Both files are the output of the previous NGS step generating the linkage between NBs and FCs.
The files are used to demonstrate the detectability of the AA sequences.
The wrapper functions are extended by the SSRC prediction and the parent ion mass (pim) determined by using protViz.
The column ESP_Prediction
was generated by using the service from, see also Fusaro et al. (2009).
NB <- getNB()
FC <- getFC()
The first ten lines of each table is shown below:
peptide | ESP_Prediction | cond | pim | ssrc | peptideLength |
AAAGITYYADSVK | 0.82378 | NB | 1329.6685 | 21.93845 | 13 |
AACCPVAR | 0.39342 | NB | 904.4127 | 5.56465 | 8 |
AADPGSWGQGTPVTVSSELK | 0.64844 | NB | 1986.9767 | 26.10345 | 20 |
AADYYYGMNHWGK | 0.15954 | NB | 1575.6685 | 24.80345 | 13 |
AANPFGLVQGFGSWGK | 0.44514 | NB | 1635.8278 | 40.19691 | 16 |
AAPDYWGQGTPVTVSSELK | 0.39622 | NB | 2005.9865 | 31.76845 | 19 |
peptide | ESP_Prediction | cond | pim | ssrc | peptideLength | |
120 | GSAAAAADSWLTVR | 0.75450 | FC | 1375.696 | 27.80445 | 14 |
121 | GSAAAAATDWLTVR | 0.76422 | FC | 1389.712 | 29.00445 | 14 |
122 | GSAAAAATGWLTVR | 0.65522 | FC | 1331.707 | 28.60445 | 14 |
123 | GSAAAAATVWLR | 0.65496 | FC | 1173.637 | 29.10445 | 12 |
124 | GSAAAAAYEWLTVR | 0.72754 | FC | 1465.743 | 33.10445 | 14 |
125 | GSAAAADAAWQEGGR | 0.53588 | FC | 1417.645 | 11.70445 | 15 |
and WU160118.RData
the mass spec files below are available through ProteomeXchange PXD009301.
the mass spectra were assigned to peptide sequences using the most important parameter listed in the table below and the Matrix Science’s Mascot Server Perkins et al. (1999) version 2.5.
Parameter | Value |
COM | 170819_MS1708116_NL5idx4to5_Competition2BG_db8_db10_swissprot_d_merge |
FASTA 1 | p1875_db8_20160704.fasta |
FASTA 2 | p1875_db10_20170817.fasta |
TOL | 10 |
TOLU | ppm |
ITOL | 0.6 |
ITOLU | Da |
USERNAME | egloffp |
CHARGE | 2+ |
IT_MODS | Deamidated (NQ),Oxidation (M) |
release | fgcz_swissprot_d_20140403.fasta |
The results were exported as XML.
The XML was parsed and exported as data.frame using protViz Panse and Grossmann (2019) function
The above-described results and workflows are available for registered users in B-Fabric. However, it is not necessary to access B-Fabric in order to use this package.
Go to from
Search for workunit id 160118
Download the resource with id 444589
The following code snippet was executed to generate the data set shiped with the NestLink package.
Here only the metadata were extracted (no MS2).
WU160118 <-'rbind', lapply(list("F255737", "F255744", "F255747",
"F255749", "F255751", "F255760", "F255761", "F255762"),
df <-
df$datfilename <- datfilename
save(WU160118, file = "../inst/extdata/WU160118.RData",
compress = TRUE, compression_level = 9)
The data ships with the NestLink package and can be browsed using the following code snippet:
eh <- ExperimentHub();
load(query(eh, c("NestLink", "WU160118.RData"))[[1]])
## [1] "data.frame"
idx <- grepl(PATTERN, WU160118$pep_seq)
WU <- WU160118[idx & WU160118$pep_score > 25,]
x |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_02_IMACelution.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_03_IMACelution.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_05_HiLoadElution.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_04_HiLoadElution.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_08_MaxBindingBG.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_07_MaxBindingBG.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_09_MaxBinding.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_10_MaxBinding.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_12_Competition1.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_13_Competition1.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_14_Competition1BG.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_15_Competition1BG.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_17_Competition2.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_18_Competition2.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_19_Competition2BG.raw” |
“S:/p1875/Proteomics/FUSION_2/egloffp_20170814_NL5idx4to5/20170814_20_Competition2BG.raw” |
contains mass spectrometry based label free quantitative (LFQ) results of nanobodies expressed in SMEG and COLI species.
Workunit : 158716 - QEXACTIVEHF_1
Workunit : 158717 - QEXACTIVEHF_1
Two LC-MS/MS runs were aligned in Progenesis QI (Nonlinear Dynamics) with an alignment score of 93.1 %, followed by peak picking with an allowed ion charge of +2 to +5.
aws --profile AnnotationContributor s3 cp NestLink/F255744.RData s3://annotation-contributor/NestLink/F255744.RData --acl public-read
aws --profile AnnotationContributor s3 cp NestLink/WU160118.RData s3://annotation-contributor/NestLink/WU160118.RData --acl public-read
aws --profile AnnotationContributor s3 cp NestLink s3://annotation-contributor/NestLink --recursive --acl public-read
load metadata
fl <- system.file("extdata", "metadata.csv", package='NestLink')
kable(metadata <- read.csv(fl, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
Title | Description | BiocVersion | Genome | SourceType | SourceUrl | SourceVersion | Species | TaxonomyId | Coordinate_1_based | DataProvider | Maintainer | RDataClass | DispatchClass | RDataPath | Tags | Notes |
Sample NGS NB FC linkage data | Sample NGS demonstratig the linkage between nanobodies (NB) and flycodes (FC). data in FASTQ | 3.9 | NA | FASTQ | | Nov 28 2018 | NA | NA | NA | Functional Genomics Center Zurich (FGCZ) | Markus Seeger [email protected], Pascal Egloff [email protected], Lennart Opitz [email protected] | DNAStringSet | FilePath | NestLink/NL42_100K.fastq.gz | NA | md5=4a13c5c61a5b29f4fd8830c1c15419b6; |
Flycodes tryptic digested | Flycodes tryptic digested amino acid sequences with ESP_Prediction score. | 3.9 | NA | TXT | | Nov 28 2018 | NA | NA | NA | Functional Genomics Center Zurich (FGCZ) | Markus Seeger [email protected], Pascal Egloff [email protected], Christian Panse [email protected] | data.frame | FilePath | NestLink/FC.tryptic | NA | md5=f6faa7458350ce1805bec30e9ffdeaae; |
Nanobodies tryptic digested | Nanobodies tryptic digested amino acid sequences with ESP_Prediction score. | 3.9 | NA | TXT | | Nov 28 2018 | NA | NA | NA | Functional Genomics Center Zurich (FGCZ) | Markus Seeger [email protected], Pascal Egloff [email protected], Christian Panse [email protected] | data.frame | FilePath | NestLink/NB.tryptic | NA | md5=db85a806c5151113536b710d566d9cf3; |
FASTA as ground-truth for unit testing | FASTA data as ground-truth for unit testing. | 3.9 | NA | RData | | Nov 28 2018 | NA | NA | NA | Functional Genomics Center Zurich (FGCZ) | Markus Seeger [email protected], Pascal Egloff [email protected], Lennart Opitz [email protected] | data.frame | FilePath | NestLink/nanobodyFlycodeLinkage.RData | NA | md5=57b2756fb0ebcf73d4036846580cb5b2; |
Known nanobodies | Known nanobodies as nucleic acid sequences. | 3.9 | NA | TXT | | Nov 28 2018 | NA | NA | NA | Functional Genomics Center Zurich (FGCZ) | Markus Seeger [email protected], Pascal Egloff [email protected], Lennart Opitz [email protected] | data.frame | FilePath | NestLink/knownNB.txt | NA | md5=003bf82c58f0a96a2bd945d171dc907c; |
Quantitaive results for SMEG and COLI | Mass spectrometry based label free quantitative results of nanobodies expressed in SMEG and COLI species. | 3.9 | NA | CSV | | Nov 28 2018 | NA | NA | NA | Functional Genomics Center Zurich (FGCZ) | Markus Seeger [email protected], Pascal Egloff [email protected], Christian Panse [email protected] | data.frame | FilePath | NestLink/PGexport2_normalizedAgainstSBstandards_Peptides.csv | NA | md5=0ca525d0a65d4938f0cbc785b7e0d2d3; bfabric WU158716, WU158717 |
F255744 Mascot Search result | F255744 peptide spectrum matches (PSMs) of Flycodes. | 3.9 | NA | TXT | | Dec 13 2018 | NA | NA | NA | Functional Genomics Center Zurich (FGCZ) | Markus Seeger [email protected], Pascal Egloff [email protected], Christian Panse [email protected] | data.frame | FilePath | NestLink/F255744.RData | NA | md5=d5e4d13e9ecba4231d1808c6bb0bb454; R409912 |
WU160118 Mascot Search results | WU160118 peptide spectrum matches (PSMs) Flycodes. | 3.9 | NA | TXT | | Dec 13 2018 | NA | NA | NA | Functional Genomics Center Zurich (FGCZ) | Markus Seeger [email protected], Pascal Egloff [email protected], Christian Panse [email protected] | data.frame | FilePath | NestLink/WU160118.RData | NA | md5=a17f4505e322d440bc0e9edf8e5277bb; bfabric WU160118 |
query and load NestLink package data from aws s3
eh <- ExperimentHub();
query(eh, "NestLink")
## ExperimentHub with 8 records
## # snapshotDate(): 2024-10-24
## # $dataprovider: Functional Genomics Center Zurich (FGCZ)
## # $species: NA
## # $rdataclass: data.frame, DNAStringSet
## # additional mcols(): taxonomyid, genome, description,
## # coordinate_1_based, maintainer, rdatadateadded, preparerclass, tags,
## # rdatapath, sourceurl, sourcetype
## # retrieve records with, e.g., 'object[["EH2063"]]'
## title
## EH2063 | Sample NGS NB FC linkage data
## EH2064 | Flycodes tryptic digested
## EH2065 | Nanobodies tryptic digested
## EH2066 | FASTA as ground-truth for unit testing
## EH2067 | Known nanobodies
## EH2068 | Quantitaive results for SMEG and COLI
## EH2069 | F255744 Mascot Search result
## EH2070 | WU160118 Mascot Search results
load(query(eh, c("NestLink", "F255744.RData"))[[1]])
## [1] 15655 21
load(query(eh, c("NestLink", "WU160118.RData"))[[1]])
## [1] 128390 22
Here is the compiled output of sessionInfo()
## R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
## Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.20-bioc/R/lib/
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/
## locale:
## time zone: America/New_York
## tzcode source: system (glibc)
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats4 stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
## [8] base
## other attached packages:
## [1] knitr_1.48 scales_1.3.0
## [3] ggplot2_3.5.1 NestLink_1.22.0
## [5] ShortRead_1.64.0 GenomicAlignments_1.42.0
## [7] SummarizedExperiment_1.36.0 Biobase_2.66.0
## [9] MatrixGenerics_1.18.0 matrixStats_1.4.1
## [11] Rsamtools_2.22.0 GenomicRanges_1.58.0
## [13] BiocParallel_1.40.0 protViz_0.7.9
## [15] gplots_3.2.0 Biostrings_2.74.0
## [17] GenomeInfoDb_1.42.0 XVector_0.46.0
## [19] IRanges_2.40.0 S4Vectors_0.44.0
## [21] ExperimentHub_2.14.0 AnnotationHub_3.14.0
## [23] BiocFileCache_2.14.0 dbplyr_2.5.0
## [25] BiocGenerics_0.52.0 BiocStyle_2.34.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] DBI_1.2.3 bitops_1.0-9 deldir_2.0-4
## [4] rlang_1.1.4 magrittr_2.0.3 compiler_4.4.1
## [7] RSQLite_2.3.7 mgcv_1.9-1 png_0.1-8
## [10] vctrs_0.6.5 pwalign_1.2.0 pkgconfig_2.0.3
## [13] crayon_1.5.3 fastmap_1.2.0 magick_2.8.5
## [16] labeling_0.4.3 caTools_1.18.3 utf8_1.2.4
## [19] rmarkdown_2.29 UCSC.utils_1.2.0 tinytex_0.54
## [22] purrr_1.0.2 bit_4.5.0 xfun_0.49
## [25] zlibbioc_1.52.0 cachem_1.1.0 jsonlite_1.8.9
## [28] blob_1.2.4 highr_0.11 DelayedArray_0.32.0
## [31] jpeg_0.1-10 parallel_4.4.1 R6_2.5.1
## [34] bslib_0.8.0 RColorBrewer_1.1-3 jquerylib_0.1.4
## [37] Rcpp_1.0.13-1 bookdown_0.41 splines_4.4.1
## [40] Matrix_1.7-1 tidyselect_1.2.1 abind_1.4-8
## [43] yaml_2.3.10 codetools_0.2-20 hwriter_1.3.2.1
## [46] curl_5.2.3 lattice_0.22-6 tibble_3.2.1
## [49] withr_3.0.2 KEGGREST_1.46.0 evaluate_1.0.1
## [52] pillar_1.9.0 BiocManager_1.30.25 filelock_1.0.3
## [55] KernSmooth_2.23-24 generics_0.1.3 BiocVersion_3.20.0
## [58] munsell_0.5.1 gtools_3.9.5 glue_1.8.0
## [61] tools_4.4.1 interp_1.1-6 grid_4.4.1
## [64] latticeExtra_0.6-30 AnnotationDbi_1.68.0 colorspace_2.1-1
## [67] nlme_3.1-166 GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.13 cli_3.6.3
## [70] rappdirs_0.3.3 fansi_1.0.6 S4Arrays_1.6.0
## [73] dplyr_1.1.4 gtable_0.3.6 sass_0.4.9
## [76] digest_0.6.37 SparseArray_1.6.0 farver_2.1.2
## [79] memoise_2.0.1 htmltools_0.5.8.1 lifecycle_1.0.4
## [82] httr_1.4.7 mime_0.12 bit64_4.5.2
Egloff, Pascal, Iwan Zimmermann, Fabian M. Arnold, Cedric A. J. Hutter, Damien Damien Morger, Lennart Opitz, Lucy Poveda, et al. 2018. “Engineered Peptide Barcodes for In-Depth Analyses of Binding Protein Ensembles.” bioRxiv.
Fusaro, V. A., D. R. Mani, J. P. Mesirov, and S. A. Carr. 2009. “Prediction of high-responding peptides for targeted protein assays by mass spectrometry.” Nat. Biotechnol. 27 (2): 190–98.
Panse, Christian, and Jonas Grossmann. 2019. protViz: Visualizing and Analyzing Mass Spectrometry Related Data in Proteomics. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing.
Perkins, David N., Darryl J. C. Pappin, David M. Creasy, and John S. Cottrell. 1999. “Probability-Based Protein Identification by Searching Sequence Databases Using Mass Spectrometry Data.” Electrophoresis 20 (18): 3551–67.<3551::aid-elps3551>;2-2.
Türker, Can, Fuat Akal, Dieter Joho, Christian Panse, Simon Barkow-Oesterreicher, Hubert Rehrauer, and Ralph Schlapbach. 2010. “B-Fabric: The Swiss Army Knife for Life Sciences.” In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Extending Database Technology - EDBT 10. ACM Press.