Using HDTD to Analyze High-Dimensional Transposable Data: An Application in Genetics

Touloumis, A., Marioni, J.C., and Tavaré, S.

30 October 2017


The R/Bioconductor package HDTD is designed to analyze high-dimensional transposable data. The term transposable data implies the following structural information in the dataset:

The term high-dimensional implies that the sample size (e.g., the number of subjects/patients) is a lot smaller than the total number of row and column variables.

Since the statistical methods implemented in HDTD were primarily motivated by studies in genetics, a microarray dataset is utilized to illustrate the functionality of the package. However, the use of HDTD is not limited to gene-expression experiments and we emphasize that it is suitable for analyzing datasets that satisfy the high-dimensional transposable data definition.

Mouse Dataset

HDTD includes a subset of the tissue study described in Zahn et al. (2007). This dataset contains expression levels for \(40\) mice. For each mouse, the expression levels of \(46\) genes that belong to the vascular endothelial growth factor signalling pathway were measured across \(9\) tissues (adrenal gland, cerebrum, hippocampus, kidney, lung, muscle, spinal cord, spleen and thymus). The experimental design satisfies the definition of transposable data because: i) the data for each mouse can be written in a matrix form, ii) the rows correspond to genes and the columns to multiple tissues, and iii) we do not expect the gene expression levels across the multiple tissues to vary independently. The dataset is formatted as a single matrix with rows the \(46\) genes and columns the \(9 \times 40=360\) tissues.

#> [1]  46 360
#>  [1] "Akt1"     "Akt2"     "Akt3"     "Arnt"     "Casp9"    "Cdc42"   
#>  [7] "Grb2"     "Hif1a"    "Hras1"    "Hsp90aa1" "Hspb1"    "Map2k1"  
#> [13] "Map2k2"   "Mapk1"    "Mapk13"   "Mapk14"   "Mapk3"    "Mapkapk2"
#> [19] "Nfat5"    "Nfatc3"   "Nfatc4"   "Nos3"     "Nras"     "Nrp1"    
#> [25] "Pdgfc"    "Pik3ca"   "Pik3cb"   "Pik3cd"   "Pik3r1"   "Pik3r3"  
#> [31] "Pla2g12b" "Pla2g4a"  "Pla2g4c"  "Pla2g5"   "Pla2g6"   "Plcg1"   
#> [37] "Plcg2"    "Ppp3ca"   "Ppp3cb"   "Ppp3r1"   "Prkca"    "Ptk2"    
#> [43] "Rac1"     "Rac2"     "Raf1"     "Sphk2"

Further, every 9 consecutive columns belong to the same mouse and the tissues are ordered in the same way for each mouse. For example, we can check the column variables for the first two subjects:

#>  [1] "adrenal.1"     "cerebrum.1"    "hippocampus.1" "kidney.1"     
#>  [5] "lung.1"        "muscle.1"      "spinal.1"      "spleen.1"     
#>  [9] "thymus.1"      "adrenal.2"     "cerebrum.2"    "hippocampus.2"
#> [13] "kidney.2"      "lung.2"        "muscle.2"      "spinal.2"     
#> [17] "spleen.2"      "thymus.2"

It is extremely important to provide datasets in this particular format when using HDTD. To accomplish this, write the data for each subject (mouse) in a matrix form while preserving the order of the row (genes) and column (tissues) variables. The final step is to create a single matrix by stacking column-wise the subject-specific matrices the one after the other.

Mean Relationship of the Genes Across the Tissues

The user can determine the mean relationship of the genes across tissues by testing and estimating the mean matrix. One interesting hypothesis to be tested is the conservation of the gene expression levels across the tissues, i.e., if the mean gene expression levels vector in the VEGF signaling pathway changes across the \(9\) tissues:

meanmat.ts(VEGFmouse, 40, group.sizes = 9, voi = "columns")
#> Sample size       = 40 
#> Row variables     = 46 
#> Column variables  = 9 
#> Hypothesis test
#> H_0: 1 prespecified group(s) of columns with the same mean vector
#> vs.
#> H_1: not H_0 
#> Test statistic = 373.5277 , p-value < 0.0001

Since \(p\)-value \(<0.001\), we have strong evidence against the null hypothesis that there is no tissue effect in the gene expression levels. To explore the mean gene expression level pattern across tissues in detail, additional tests can be carried out. We illustrate a more complicated hypothesis that requires data manipulation. Consider testing the hypothesis that the mean gene expression levels vector is constant only across the adrenal glands, the spleen, the kidney and the lung. To do this, we first need to place these \(4\) tissues in a successive order in the dataset,

#> [1] "adrenal.1"     "cerebrum.1"    "hippocampus.1" "kidney.1"     
#> [5] "lung.1"        "muscle.1"      "spinal.1"      "spleen.1"     
#> [9] "thymus.1"
VEGForder <- orderdata(VEGFmouse, 40, order.cols = c(1, 4, 5, 8, 2, 3, 6, 7, 
#> [1] "adrenal.1.1"     "kidney.1.1"      "lung.1.1"        "spleen.1.1"     
#> [5] "cerebrum.1.1"    "hippocampus.1.1" "muscle.1.1"      "spinal.1.1"     
#> [9] "thymus.1.1"

and then to perform the test using the ordered dataset

meanmat.ts(VEGForder, 40, group.sizes = c(4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), voi = "columns")
#> Sample size       = 40 
#> Row variables     = 46 
#> Column variables  = 9 
#> Hypothesis test
#> H_0: 6 prespecified group(s) of columns with the same mean vector
#> vs.
#> H_1: not H_0 
#> The number of columns in the 6 predefined groups are 4, 1, 1, 1, 1 and 1  respectively.
#> Test statistic = 218.5071 , p-value < 0.0001

Note that we included \(5\) additional column groups of size one in the group.sizes argument to reflect the fact that the mean gene expression levels vector in each of the remaining \(5\) tissues remained unspecified. The null hypothesis is rejected, and hence we may conclude that the mean gene expression levels vector is not constant in the adrenal glands, the spleen, the kidney and the lung.

Apart from hypothesis testing, it is also important to estimate the mean relationship between the genes and the tissues. In this example the mean matrix seems to be unstructured and thus the mean gene expression levels in the \(9\) tissues can be estimated via the sample mean matrix

sample.mean <- meanmat.hat(VEGFmouse, 40)
#> Sample size           =  40 
#> Row variables         =  46 
#> Column variables      =  9 
#> Estimated mean matrix [1:5,1:5] =
#>       adrenal.1 cerebrum.1 hippocampus.1 kidney.1  lung.1
#> Akt1     0.8399     1.2157        1.0597   1.1469  1.2673
#> Akt2    -0.2333    -0.6201       -0.3881  -0.5524 -0.5359
#> Akt3    -1.0856    -0.4351       -0.5490  -0.2534 -0.6091
#> Arnt     0.1089     0.1898        0.0968   0.2551 -0.1171
#> Casp9    0.0877     0.2600        0.4812   0.3203  0.7416

Note that the output preserves the order of the genes and the columns. For example, \(0.8399\) is the average \(\log_2\) intensity for gene “Akt1” in the adrenal gland based on \(40\) mice. The mean matrix for the first 10 genes across the \(9\) tissues is

head(round(sample.mean$estmeanmat, 4), n = 10)
#>          adrenal.1 cerebrum.1 hippocampus.1 kidney.1  lung.1 muscle.1
#> Akt1        0.8399     1.2157        1.0597   1.1469  1.2673   0.8459
#> Akt2       -0.2333    -0.6201       -0.3881  -0.5524 -0.5359  -0.2082
#> Akt3       -1.0856    -0.4351       -0.5490  -0.2534 -0.6091  -1.1794
#> Arnt        0.1089     0.1898        0.0968   0.2551 -0.1171  -0.2919
#> Casp9       0.0877     0.2600        0.4812   0.3203  0.7416  -0.2492
#> Cdc42      -0.0538     0.1657       -0.1516  -0.0548  0.0254  -0.3577
#> Grb2       -0.2765    -0.5322        0.0948   0.0162 -0.1499   0.3015
#> Hif1a      -0.5760     1.3233       -3.5652   1.5485  1.0256  -0.1264
#> Hras1      -0.8040    -0.5952       -0.4063  -0.4964 -0.4997  -0.4900
#> Hsp90aa1   -0.3007     0.1292        0.7474   0.5589  0.2163   0.2634
#>          spinal.1 spleen.1 thymus.1
#> Akt1       1.2201   1.2142   1.2025
#> Akt2      -0.3877  -0.5154  -0.6836
#> Akt3      -0.7467  -0.8073  -0.4024
#> Arnt      -0.0861  -0.5188  -0.2219
#> Casp9      0.3691   0.5682   0.0726
#> Cdc42     -0.0816  -0.0888   0.1986
#> Grb2       0.2385  -0.4664  -0.3850
#> Hif1a      1.1011  -2.5046   0.3866
#> Hras1     -0.4475  -0.8511  -0.7226
#> Hsp90aa1   0.7414  -0.2552  -0.2784

Dependence Structure of the Genes and of the Tissues

The matrix-variate normal distribution is utilized to estimate two covariance matrices, one for the genes (rows) and the other for the multiple tissues (columns). We developed shrinkage estimators for both covariance matrices but we let the user decide if shrinkage is required to both, one or neither of these matrices. In principle, we recommend shrinking both covariance matrices in order to obtain well-defined and invertible covariance matrix estimators. The covmat.hat function provides the corresponding covariance estimators:

estcovmat <- covmat.hat(datamat = VEGFmouse, N = 40, shrink = "both", centered = FALSE)
#> Sample size           =  40 
#> Row variables         =  46 
#> Column variables      =  9 
#> Shrinking             =  Both sets of variables 
#> Centered data         =  FALSE 
#> Estimated shrinkage intensity = 0.0115 
#> Estimated covariance matrix [1:5,1:5] =
#>          Akt1    Akt2    Akt3    Arnt   Casp9
#> Akt1   0.4139 -0.0248  0.0420 -0.0010  0.1084
#> Akt2  -0.0248  0.3341 -0.0240 -0.0029 -0.0151
#> Akt3   0.0420 -0.0240  0.6954  0.1733 -0.0168
#> Arnt  -0.0010 -0.0029  0.1733  0.4746  0.0850
#> Casp9  0.1084 -0.0151 -0.0168  0.0850  0.5337
#> Estimated shrinkage intensity = 0.3341 
#> Estimated covariance matrix [1:5,1:5] =
#>               adrenal.1 cerebrum.1 hippocampus.1 kidney.1  lung.1
#> adrenal.1        0.0368    -0.0006        0.0001  -0.0006  0.0010
#> cerebrum.1      -0.0006     0.0432       -0.0002   0.0000 -0.0034
#> hippocampus.1    0.0001    -0.0002        0.0266   0.0019  0.0000
#> kidney.1        -0.0006     0.0000        0.0019   0.0317  0.0012
#> lung.1           0.0010    -0.0034        0.0000   0.0012  0.0809

The output summarizes the results but the user can recover the full covariance matrix estimators. For example, the covariance matrix of the tissues is

round(estcovmat$cols.covmat, 4)
#>               adrenal.1 cerebrum.1 hippocampus.1 kidney.1  lung.1 muscle.1
#> adrenal.1        0.0368    -0.0006        0.0001  -0.0006  0.0010   0.0006
#> cerebrum.1      -0.0006     0.0432       -0.0002   0.0000 -0.0034   0.0012
#> hippocampus.1    0.0001    -0.0002        0.0266   0.0019  0.0000  -0.0005
#> kidney.1        -0.0006     0.0000        0.0019   0.0317  0.0012  -0.0006
#> lung.1           0.0010    -0.0034        0.0000   0.0012  0.0809   0.0009
#> muscle.1         0.0006     0.0012       -0.0005  -0.0006  0.0009   0.0300
#> spinal.1        -0.0003    -0.0012        0.0004   0.0001  0.0155   0.0007
#> spleen.1        -0.0010    -0.0038       -0.0005  -0.0009  0.0014  -0.0004
#> thymus.1        -0.0006     0.0003        0.0012   0.0026  0.0008  -0.0001
#>               spinal.1 spleen.1 thymus.1
#> adrenal.1      -0.0003  -0.0010  -0.0006
#> cerebrum.1     -0.0012  -0.0038   0.0003
#> hippocampus.1   0.0004  -0.0005   0.0012
#> kidney.1        0.0001  -0.0009   0.0026
#> lung.1          0.0155   0.0014   0.0008
#> muscle.1        0.0007  -0.0004  -0.0001
#> spinal.1        0.0393  -0.0012   0.0012
#> spleen.1       -0.0012   0.0389  -0.0012
#> thymus.1        0.0012  -0.0012   0.0410

Moreover, the user can study the gene-wise or tissue-wise correlation by using the covmat.ts function. For example, the identity and sphericity test

covmat.ts(datamat = VEGFmouse, N = 40, voi = "columns", centered = FALSE)
#> Sample size           =  40 
#> Row variables         =  46 
#> Column variables      =  9 
#> Variables tested      =  Columns 
#> Centered data         =  FALSE 
#> Sphericity test for the covariance matrix of the Columns 
#> Test Statistic = 10.474 , p-value < 0.0001
#> Identity test for the covariance matrix of the Columns 
#> Test Statistic = 39.0576 , p-value < 0.0001

suggest that the tissues might not be uncorrelated since the \(p\)-values of the sphericity and the identity test are both \(<0.001\).

How to cite

print(citation("HDTD"), bibtex = TRUE)
#> Please use the following guidelines for citing `HDTD' in
#> publication:
#> To cite the mean matrix hypothesis testing methodology, please use
#>   Touloumis, A., Tavare, S. and Marioni, J.C. (2015). Testing the
#>   Mean Matrix in High-Dimensional Transposable Data. Biometrics 71
#>   (1), 157-166
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#>   @Article{,
#>     title = {Testing the Mean Matrix in High-Dimensional Transposable Data},
#>     author = {Anestis Touloumis and Simon Tavare and John C. Marioni},
#>     journal = {Biometrics},
#>     year = {2015},
#>     volume = {71},
#>     issue = {1},
#>     pages = {157--166},
#>     url = {},
#>   }
#> To cite the covariance matrix hypothesis testing methodology,
#> please use
#>   Touloumis, A., Marioni, J.C. and Tavare, S. (2013). Hypothesis
#>   Testing for the Covariance Matrix in High-Dimensional
#>   Transposable Data with Kronecker Product Dependence Structure.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#>   @Article{,
#>     title = {Hypothesis Testing for the Covariance Matrix in 
#>          High-Dimensional Transposable Data with Kronecker Product Dependence Structure},
#>     author = {Anestis Touloumis and John C. Marioni and Simon Tavare},
#>     journal = {Submitted},
#>     year = {2013},
#>     url = {},
#>   }
#> To cite HDTD or the estimation method for the covariance matrices,
#> please use
#>   Touloumis, A., Marioni, J.C. and Tavare, S. (2016). HDTD:
#>   Analyzing multi-tissue gene expression data. Bioinformatics 32
#>   (14), 2193-2195
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#>   @Article{,
#>     title = {HDTD: Analyzing multi-tissue gene expression data},
#>     author = {Anestis Touloumis and John C. Marioni and Simon Tavare},
#>     journal = {Bioinformatics},
#>     year = {2016},
#>     volume = {32},
#>     issue = {14},
#>     pages = {2193--2195},
#>     url = {},
#>   }